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I’m going to be sharing exclusive updates about my writing, event appearances, signings, and whatever else I feel like writing about. It’s probably going to be messy. Subscribe to get full access to the mess.

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Coming soon!

Paid subscribers are going to be able to sign up to witness my public digital decluttering as I slowly chip away at cleaning my desktop of its thousands of screenshots.

a ludicrously cluttered desktop

In addition, paid subscribers are going to be able to enjoy upcoming TQS-exclusive special content and cross-promotions curated by Marvel’s own “trash queer squad” of X-Men writers, who also happen to be irl besties—Tini Howard, Vita Ayala, and myself!

Subscribe to digital dispatches from leah williams

earnest ramblings about comic books and whatever's on my mind.


Marvel Comics writer: TRIAL OF MAGNETO, X-FACTOR, AMAZING MARY JANE & more; + original comic r(ender); for Oni. good girl, loves u v much. lg[b]t